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The Adeyfield Academy

Student Leadership Opportunities

To enable our students to break the glass ceiling, we provide opportunities for them to develop their leadership skills across all year groups. 

Student Executive Team 2024-2025

  • Head Student: Florence
  • Deputy Head Students: Alice and Blake
  • Sixth Form Ambassadors: George and Bradley

Student Leadership Levels

The Student Leadership Ladder has been designed for students to get involved with all elements of school. Some Leadership roles require more dedication and involvement than others, and the ladder reflects this, with three different levels. The three levels are: 

  • Emerging 
  • Aspiring
  • Expert

Key Leadership Roles
Emerging Student Leadership Positions

Student Forum: Students act as the voice for their form. They meet regularly to discuss what arises in their year group with other representatives.

House Captains & House Representatives: These students lead by example and represent their house by promoting house competitions and house activities.

Eco Defenders: Their main role is to promote whole school sustainability and support the environment of the school. They meet once a fortnight to discuss the eco needs of the school.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors: Students appointed to stand up to bullying behaviour through peer support, and advocate an anti-bullying culture across the Academy.

Maths Ninjas: These students promote whole school numeracy. Students lead these numeracy sessions in their form time, recording data which result in house points. These points go towards the house total.

Library Leaders: Students in this role promote the library as an academic resource hub and support the daily operations of the Learning Resource Centre (LRC).

Adeyfield Ambassadors: Students are expected to be '5 Star Students', embodying our values at all times to represent the school within the wider community.

Adeyfield Allies: The Allies provide peer support for LGBTQ+ students, and work to enhance the understanding of LGBTQ+ across the school community.

Equality & Diversity Committee: Members promote an inclusive, equitable and diverse school environment to enhance awareness, understanding and respect.

Aspiring Student Leadership Positions

Sports Leaders: Our Sports Leaders are fantastic ambassadors for the school leading a range of local sporting events for the local primary schools, supporting the Dacorum Sports Partnership and leading  house sports competitions. They promote sport and the importance of leading a healthy, active lifestyle. 

Curriculum Champions: Our Curriculum Champions work closely with the department taking on a proactive role. They demonstrate passion and knowledge of the subject.

Good Will Ambassadors: This role is for students who want to make a difference and be involved in social action. Good Will Ambassadors promote compassion and positive citizenship around the school and wider community leading by example.

Inclusion Champions: Our Inclusion Champions promote the inclusivity of sports and the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle for everyone.

Expert Student Leadership Positions

Student Executive: These students are required to be a leader and ambassador to represent the students here at The Adeyfield Academy.

Head of House: Champions and leaders of each House, raise the flag and help organise and lead house meetings.

Head Student: A leader, figurehead and representative for all students here at The Adeyfield Academy.


Get in touch

Miss Sam Rogers, School Business Manager

Hemel Hempstead

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department on the contact details below)

(01442) 406020