Curriculum Lead
Miss A Mullen - Curriculum Lead Citizenship, PSHE, R.E.
The intent of the Religious Education (RE) curriculum at The Adeyfield Academy is to ask about meaning and purpose in life from beginning to end. It gives space and time for individuals to reflect and wonder, who and why.
We explore Christianity, other principal religions and world views, considering how they affect the fabric of personal and social life. Our curriculum identifies the reality of evil, injustice and suffering and it opens up visions of how life for all the world’s citizens can be transformed by truth, awe and kindness.
RE is an inclusive subject promoting and strengthening the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Pupils who follow the RE programme in our school gain a deep awareness of their own and others’ identities; they consider the mysteries of life and the answers given by a wide variety of religions and beliefs; they develop a clear sense of what is of real value in world today. Through reflection on their own beliefs and values in the light of their learning, they grow in respect for themselves and others.
They demonstrate curiosity about men and women of faith and commitment who have changed individual lives, society and culture. Through RE, they feel compelled to imagine and contribute to the creation of a better world for all.
GCSE Theology & Philosophy
Board: AQA
Specification: 8668
Course Content:
As part of GCSE Religious Studies, this course offers students the opportunity for the thematic study of
Religion and religious responses to fundamental questions of life. It should encourage students to
develop their interest and enthusiasm for the study of Religion and the relationship between Religion
and the wider world; develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of Religion by exploring the
impact of beliefs, teachings, practices, ways of life and forms of expressing meaning. Throughout the
course students will be encouraged to express their personal responses and make informed insights on
fundamental questions about identity, belonging, meaning, purpose, truth, values and commitments.
Mode of Assessment:
Students will sit two final written papers at the end of Year 11 of 1 hour 45 minutes each. Both papers
are equally weighted at 50%:
- Component 1 assesses beliefs, teachings and practise of two religions from Christianity and Islam.
- Component 2 assesses four themes: Religion and Life; The Existence of God and Revelation; Religion, Crime &Punishment and The Environment.
Why Study this Course?
Students will be challenged with questions about belief, values, meaning, purpose and truth, enabling
them to develop their own attitudes towards religious issues. Students will also gain an appreciation of
how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture. They will develop analytical and critical thinking skills, the ability to work with abstract ideas, leadership and research skills. All these skills will help prepare them for further study.
Progression Routes:
The beauty of Religious Studies is that it can be applied to all walks of life and education choices. The
skills learnt during the course are transferable and support your other subject choices. Religious Studies facilitates critical thinking, openness and curiosity. Students who study Religious can go on to University to study law, criminology, politics, theology and journalism to name a few.