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Welcome to

The Adeyfield Academy

In Year Admissions

In-Year Admissions

Parents who move into the area during the year and wish to apply for a place should contact Admissions at County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertfordshire. Telephone: 0300 1234043 first, before contacting the school. No student will be admitted to the school until they have registered with the County. 

Once you have been formally contacted and offered a place by the County, please ensure that all the 'In Year Admission Forms' have been completed in full. Once these have been received, the school's Admissions Officer will make contact with you to arrange a tour and interview. 

In Year Admissions Forms

School Admission Appeals / Reminders

Hertfordshire County Council issue updated information/reminders regarding school appeals and reviews. All parents will need to set up an appeals account in order to appeal.  The online appeals portal is the same for all parents and can be found here.

The school appeals system is unavailable from 1–1.30am daily. If you have issues creating an appeal, contact the team at or 01992 588548.

In Year Appeals

In-year admission appeals will be heard within 6 School weeks of the appeal being lodged. This can mean that your appeal is not heard until the next term.

Appellants (the person who made the appeal) will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 school days in advance of the hearing (unless you've been requested to agree shorter timescales).

Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case 7 working days in advance of the hearing.

The School Admissions Appeals timetable can be viewed in the attachment at the bottom of the page.


Get in touch

Miss Sam Rogers, School Business Manager

Hemel Hempstead

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department on the contact details below)

(01442) 406020