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The Adeyfield Academy

Employer Engagement

From providing strategic advice to the senior leadership team to mentoring pupils or running enterprise competitions, engagement from employers at The Adeyfield Academy can take many forms.

What is the motivation for your business to engage with The Adeyfield Academy?

  • Develop young people’s futures by supporting the development of generic work skills, attitudes and behaviours or specific skills such as STEAM;
  • Broaden career horizons and improve workforce diversity and social mobility;
  • Improve educational and employment prospects for disadvantaged pupils;
  • Build a network through which to identify and recruit your future talent;
  • Support your own employee development and engagement and their personal and professional development,  increase employee engagement by giving back to the community;
  • Embed corporate social responsibility priorities by contributing to your local community.

How can you support Careers, Employabilty and Enterprise Education at 
The Adeyfield Academy?

During the year we host a variety of employer engagement opportunities for our students:

Year 7: Career Insight Event held in February - A chance for students to learn about different careers in the form of speed networking.

Year 8: Real Game Day - Students spend the day looking at next steps, career choices, and pathways. As part of the day a Careers Insight Session gives them the opportunity to hear from potential future employers about their career pathway.

Year 10: Employability Week - All students engage in a 2 day work shadowing programme, followed by a 2 day employability workshop, culminating the final 'Big Interview Day' and careers fair. We are always seeking volunteers to host students on work shadowing, and join us for the big interview day and careers fair.

Year 12: Throughout the year, we invite a variety of external visitors for career talks with our students. They also attend a Next Steps careers event at St Alban's Girls School, where employers and Universities present to the students. Year 12 take part in the 'Big Interview Day' at The Adeyfield Academy, where students can hone their interview skills with Governors and external employers. Students have the chance to participate in a week-long work experience where they can gain first-hand skills in a professional setting of their choice.

Below is a practical guide prepared by the Careers and Enterprise Company  and CBI which will provide you with ideas and examples of additional ways that you can support the careers development of our students.

If you would like to know more about engaging with this area of the school curriculum please email: for the attention of Miss Walbank.

The Adeyfield Academy looks forward to working with you. 

Sponsorship Opportunities 

If you are interested in talking about sponsorship, please contact Phil O'Neill, School Business Manager, on 01727 853134 or email:

Get in touch

Miss Sam Rogers, School Business Manager

Hemel Hempstead

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department on the contact details below)

(01442) 406020