Careers Guidance, Employability and Enterprise Education
Miss I Walbank
Vice Principal
(Careers Leader)
Call: 01442 406020
We want to provide all of our students with a quality first careers education programme so they can be well prepared and informed about their next steps, transitions and pathways at all stages of their journey whilst at the academy. To prepare our students for the opportunities and challenges of today and throughout their future lives after Adeyfield, and to achieve economic and personal well-being; as well as promote the school’s values of ambition, courage, dignity, respect and compassion.
"Young adults who recall four or more encounters with employers while at school are five times less likely to be NEET and earn on average, 18% more than peers who recall no such activities”
Dr Anthony Mann, Director of Research and Policy, Education and Employers Task Force (2018)
The Adeyfield Academy is there to support, advice and guide students in making informed choices; to leverage our ‘learning without limits’ mind-set of alumni. To ensure students learn about the world of work, employment and training opportunities available to them.
Our programme is based on fully implementing the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks of good careers advice:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of the workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Careers-related learning is delivered through designated PSHCE Education lessons, employer engagement events, work shadowing and work experience, visiting speakers and workplace visits. We believe it is important it happens in the classroom, as part of our curriculum, and is not just discrete careers events. At The Adeyfield Academy we encourage all curriculum areas to embrace employer-led learning, using industry professionals and tailored resources to help deliver curriculum lessons, blending careers ideas with academic learning.
All students have access to our Herts YC advisor, with targeted appointments for students in Years 10, 11 and Sixth Form. Parents and carers are welcome to attend these appointments with their son/daughter.
To enhance our provision, we also work closely with the Careers and Enterprise Company and an Enterprise Advisor who review the Careers, Employability and Enterprise provision provided to ensure we are fully meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks.
The dedicated careers office has all the information students need to find out about GCSE courses, sixth form options, courses at college, Apprenticeship opportunities, University prospectus’, and job opportunities.
Post 16 Destinations
- 100% of students who applied to university secured their first choice (2023-2024)
- 35% of students who applied to university, went to top universities (2023-2024)
- Several students achieved all A and B grades / Distinction /Distinction* in all subjects (2023-2024)
- Increase on A* and A grades (2023-2024)
- Increase on A* - B grades (2023-2024)
- 63% of Year 13 students applied to university, 100% of these students secured their firm or insurance choice (2022-2023).
- 33% of students attended prestigious universities, either Russell Group or the 1994 Group (2022-2023).
- 37% of Year 13 students secured employment with training (2022-2023).
- 96.1% of Year 11 students applied to stay on for further education through apprenticeships, sixth form, or college (2022-2023).
Apprenticeships and Employment Routes:
- Apprenticeship with Bedfordshire Police
- Employment within the NHS
- Employment within the Finance sector
Universities attended include:
- Aberystwyth University
- Bournemouth University
- Birmingham City University
- Cardiff University
- King’s College
- Lancaster University
- Manchester University
- Newcastle University
- Northampton University
- Royal Holloway University
- St Mary’s University
- Sussex University
- University College London
- University for the Creative Arts
- University of Bath
- University of Brighton
- University of East Anglia
- University of Hertfordshire
- University of Leeds
- University of Leicester
- University of Manchester
- University of Salford
- University of Southampton
- University of Sussex
Year 11 Careers Fair 2023
Careers Fair 2022
Information for Students and Parents / Carers
Information on the Local Labour Market can be found here.
Links you may find useful
- Uni Taster Days
- Getting to grips with money
- National Careers Service
- YC Hertfordshire
- Real stories to inspire your career
- Looking for that perfect career?
- BBC Bitesize Careers
- Fledglink
- Avis’s careers in motorsports
If you would like to assist with a careers event or to share your own career journey with our students please contact us by email at: or call 01442 406020 for the attention of Imogen Walbank.
This information is reviewed annually; the next review date is September 2024.
Information on the Baker Clause - Provider Access Statement can be found below as an attachment.
The Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership and the Careers and Enterprise Company have created a careers portal all about careers and other opportunities within Hertfordshire.
Aimed at ages 13 - retirement the website is full of information for any students (or adults) who are looking into local employers that they can connect with, or work for.
View the website here