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The Adeyfield Academy

Entrance Requirements


We are proud to offer a wide range of challenging and highly accredited subjects at Post 16

Level 3: Academic  - A Levels

Minimum academic entry requirements to study A Levels are:

Students must have achieved at least 40 GCSE points, calculated as follows, from their best 8 GCSE results:

Grade 9 or 8 = 8 points, Grade 7 = 7 points, Grade 6 = 6 points, Grade 5 = 5 points, etc.

See individual subject requirements for entry grades to study A Level in the Curriculum Booklet.

Level 3: Vocational - BTEC

Minimum academic entry requirements to study BTECs are:

Students must have achieved at least 36 GCSE points, calculated as follows, from their best 8 GCSE results:

Grade 9 or 8 = 8 points, Grade 7 = 7 points, Grade 6 = 6 points, Grade 5 = 5 points etc.

See individual subject requirements for entry grades to study BTECs.

Level 3: Vocational and Academic Hybrid

Students can study a combination of A Level and Vocational subjects if they have achieved at least 36 GCSE points.

All students will continue to study Maths and/or English if they do not achieve Grade 4 or above at GCSE.

Get in touch

Miss Sam Rogers, School Business Manager

Hemel Hempstead

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department on the contact details below)

(01442) 406020