Adeyfield Prospectus 2023-2024


The Adeyfield Academy is part of ATLAS Multi Academy Trust, ensuring outstanding educational provision through challenge and the promotion of excellence. We are a proud member of the ATLAS Multi Academy Trust, serving students across three schools in Hertfordshire including St Albans Girls' School and Beech Hyde Primary School. This exciting partnership has helped foster a learning environment which is focussed on our shared goals of Learning Without Limits. The popularity of our school is evident by our growing numbers in Year 7 and 8, alongside the rich curriculum that we have tailored to the needs of our young people. Academic progress is at the heart of our work. We offer an exciting knowledgerich and broad, balanced curriculum that will engage and challenge all students, no matter what their starting point. We endeavour to meet the needs of every child and eradicate barriers to their learning to be the best version of themselves. We also deliver personal development profiles each day during tutor time to develop their confidence and resilience. This includes a wider range of interesting and stimulating opportunities such as extensive student leadership roles, Duke of Edinburgh Award and a variety of extra-curricular activities including boxing, cheerleading and cookery club. Students can also participate in creative arts, through singing, music lessons and art club. We are thrilled to have received the School of Character Kitemark, recognising our commitment to developing the whole child; offering an environment where children feel safe and can flourish, regardless of ability. We aim for our students to be courageous, dignified, respectful, compassionate and ambitious. We want them to have good manners, show humility and empathy in their interactions in school and beyond the school gates as well as respect everybody’s unique contributions. We have established a culture of high aspirations and expectations and we hope the Adeyfield Five Star Student develops a keen sense of their responsibility in shaping a better future for themselves and their community. In entrusting the care and education of your child to us, you will be giving them the opportunity to make their own unique contribution to the school and in turn, to draw on all that we offer to make them ready for their journey through life. We recognise that communication between home and the Academy is extremely important to us and we value regular contact with parents/carers at all times to support students learning and provide the best pastoral care. If you require any further information, or if you would like a personal interview and/or a visit to the Academy during a normal working day, we would be more than happy to organise this. Please contact our reception on 01442 406020. Dawn Mason Principal Dear Parents and Carers The Adeyfield Academy, rated as ’good’ in our recent Ofsted inspection, is a fully inclusive 11-18 mixed academy, set in the heart of the Adeyfield community in Hemel Hempstead.

AWARDS The School of Character Kitemark is awarded to schools and colleges that can demonstrate that they take an explicit, planned and reflective approach to the cultivation of positive character qualities in their pupils in the interests of human flourishing. The Adeyfield Academy is very excited to be on the Arts Mark journey. Artsmark is the only creative quality standard for schools and education settings, accredited by Arts Council England, for which we are aiming to achieve over a two year period. Your School Games Bronze award recognises the level of sporting events, clubs and fixtures in our calendar and the emphasis on providing our students positive experience through competition. Sports Leaders. We have successfully gained sports leadership school status. The Eco-Schools Green Flag Award acknowledges, rewards and celebrates the ecological achievements of our young people. It demonstrated that our school community has been forward-thinking and actively engaged in protecting our planet. The Healthy Schools Award recognises and encourages our contribution to supporting pupils’ health and wellbeing. It demonstrates how well we are promoting healthy eating and physical activity. The All Together Gold Award signifies that we have reached the highest level in proving its commitment to stopping bullying and improving the wellbeing of its pupils. The Rainbow Flag Award provides an evidencebased national framework for all schools and colleges to create a positive LGBTQ+ environment and inclusive experiences for all staff and students, helping you to meet our legal, statutory, moral and Ofsted requirements to be LGBTQ+ inclusive.

Mrs Chapman Executive Head teacher Miss Mason Principal Mrs Riley-Haque Vice Principal Miss Walbank Vice Principal / Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Rose Assistant Principal Behaviour Miss Rogers School Business Manager Mr Hoque Assistant Principal / Head of Key stage 4 Miss Polson Assistant Principal / Head of Key stage 3 Ms Day Associate Assistant Principal / SENCO Mr Dumpleton Assistant Principal Mr Robertson SLT Secondment Mrs Forni SLT Secondment OUR SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM There are mutually supportive and trusting relationships evident at all levels. Clearly, “character caught” is thriving at The Adeyfield Academy. - Character Kitemark Report 2022

Ofsted... Quite the start! It was fantastic to see students & staff being so proud of their school! It made me sure I'd made a great decision to join the team & I am very proud to work in this GOOD school! - Mr Hartley 2023 OFSTED INSPECTION 2023 The Adeyfield Academy's last Ofsted Inspection was January 2023. The Adeyfield Academy was rated GOOD by Ofsted.  Students at Adeyfield enjoy being part of a close-knit school community.  Expectations for behaviour, courtesy and personal presentation are high. These are both modelled and applied consistently by staff.  In lessons, pupils benefit from consistent routines and knowledgeable teaching.  Trust and school leaders are ambitious and have raised expectations for what pupils can achieve.  Pupils’ character and resilience are developed very well.  Working relationships in classrooms are strong, characterised by mutual respect between teachers and pupils. Scan to view our full report.

VISION & VALUES Our vision, ‘Learning without Limits’ ensures an environment where there are absolutely no barriers to ambition, drive and an enthusiasm for learning.  COURAGE - To encourage all students to continually challenge their own curiosity and thinking skills  DIGNITY - To inspire a culture of polite, engaging young people who are proud of their school  AMBITION - To support all our students in their desire and determination to achieve their dreams  COMPASSION - To ensure the individual needs of every one of our students is constantly met  RESPECT - To instil a culture of value and support for each other as individuals

Pastoral care is an integral part in ensuring young people are supported to ‘Learn Without Limits’ and achieve their full potential and strive to be five star students, embodying our five school values. We are proud of our dedicated pastoral team who work to ensure every child feels safe, secure and valued. Our student and parent feedback consistently highlights this aspect of The Adeyfield Academy as one of its biggest strengths. Each student will be assigned to a dedicated form tutor who will become your first point of contact at Adeyfield. They will also have a designated Head of Year who, with the tutor, will work to support, nurture and encourage success throughout their Adeyfield journey. Each student also has a named trusted adult who they can turn to for help, guidance and support. We do not tolerate bullying. We are proud to announce we are a gold award school for the All Together anti-bullying programme. All staff monitor students daily and report any concerns immediately. In addition to a form tutor and Head of Year, we have a number of pastoral and support staff who work with students daily. We follow up every concern and endeavour to resolve all issues restoratively to ensure students feel safe and we ask families to lend their support by contacting us whenever they have a concern. PASTORAL CARE Pupils and students at Adeyfield enjoy being part of a close-knit school community. They are well known and well cared for by staff. - Ofsted Report 2023


We are incredibly proud to say that our examination results over the last 3 years have steadily strengthened, with a fantastic set of A Level results this year. Students across year 11 and 13 have exceeded their targets and we are so proud of their hard work and ambition to succeed. At The Adeyfield Academy we believe that fundamental to effective learning is providing engaging and enjoyable learning experiences which challenge all students at all levels. Our vision for teaching and learning is rooted in high expectations and an unconditional belief that every child can achieve their potential regardless of starting points. Teaching and learning embodies our school ethos ‘Learning without Limits’ and students strive to be 5-Star Adeyfield Students. It is centred on the quality delivery of a broad, balanced and coherent curriculum progressively building on knowledge and skills. We pride ourselves on delivering exciting learning experiences, which challenge curiosity and thinking skills. We are committed to providing an education where young people can have their eyes opened to new experiences and skills that enrich their lives and open doors for them. Learning at The Adeyfield Academy has a clear purpose with exciting and stimulating activities to further the progress of each individual, and ensure they are supported to ‘Learn without Limits’. Our staff work tirelessly to ensure they are delivering a high-quality curriculum with specialist knowledge and varied activities to support, stretch and challenge all students in all subjects. At The Adeyfield Academy we know that ‘if it’s not excellent, it’s not finished’ and we will uphold this expectation for our whole school community so all can achieve their dreams. The curriculum at The Adeyfield Academy is broad and balanced. It aims to provide all learners with a breadth of knowledge and skills that will equip them for life in modern British society. Teachers are enthusiastic and passionate about their subjects. They spend time planning interesting lessons so that their love of the subject is passed on to students. Home Learning is set to help students develop the skills to work independently and to practice and extend skills learnt in school. OUR RESULTS

BLENDED LEARNING Blended learning at The Adeyfield Academy aims to improve access to a number of different educational resources for students using Chromebooks. They will be able to effectively utilise their Chromebooks for research, to organise home and school learning through Google Classroom as well as having the possibility of using accessibility functions such as the dictionary and read-aloud. Chromebooks will also be used for assessment and feedback through self-marking quizzes that provide instant feedback to the students and through verbal feedback tools. Students starting in Key Stage 3 have the option for their own one-to-one device. Our students are at the centre of all our decisions and developments. We ensure that The Adeyfield Academy works to meet the needs of the individual rather than fit the individual around the school. At The Adeyfield Academy it is our belief that all students achieve their potential regardless of the barriers there may be to learning. We are passionate about the support we offer to SEND students and they lie at the heart of our school's philosophy. The Adeyfield Academy prides itself on being a fully inclusive school. We welcome students of varying abilities and backgrounds. The SEND coordinator and team work together with subject specific staff to provide students with a high level of quality support. We recognise the value of hard work and have a strong focus on rewarding our students for their efforts. There are clear rules and high expectations for all, that underpin the mutually respectful environment within our school. AN INCLUSIVE SCHOOL The work given to pupils faithfully matches what is planned. Work is adapted to ensure that those with special educational needs and/or disabilities can access and participate in learning activities. ― Ofsted Report 2023

STUDENT VOICE & LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES We believe in equipping our students with the self -belief and leadership experience to become informed citizens and leaders of tomorrow. Student voice is crucial within our school, and student views on policy, system and whole school development are always gathered and taken into account. Our wide range of enrichment activities enables our students to feel empowered, experience new skills, develop self-confidence, broaden their horizons and prepare students for Higher Education. Students have opportunities to express their views on school life and to contribute to the school’s development and improvement through the student forum, student executives, head and deputy students. We are proud of our formal structures of student leadership. Our student leadership provides students with opportunities to develop their skills in responsibility, communication and leadership. Students throughout the school can be involved in a wide variety of leadership opportunities. We are rightly proud of our reputation within the community for the high quality and calibre of leaders who help support and run a wide variety of events both in and out of school. It's wonderful that you have appointed such an active Eco-Committee, this shows your schools excellent commitment to both the programme and the eco-cause. ECO SCHOOLS GREEN FLAG AWARD REPORT 2022

OUR EXTRA-CURRICULAR OFFER The academy prides itself on the quality and diversity of the extra-curricular programme. We offer an exciting range of activities during lunchtimes, after school and at weekends to enhance the curriculum in creative, stimulating and challenging ways. No school would be complete without clubs, enrichment activities and trips. There are a wide variety of clubs that cater for many of our students that can sometimes unlock a talent they didn’t even realise they had! We offer clubs for all year groups, ranging from STEM challenge club, astronomy, debate club, film club and sports teams. All students in KS3 attend at least one club either at lunch time or after school. Throughout the academic year The Adeyfield Academy hosts and attends a number of shows, competitions and events so that students can hone their extra-curricular talents and achieve recognition beyond the classroom. Events last year included Adeyfield’s Got Talent, Matilda the musical, The Technology Rotary Competition, Adeyfest, a number of sporting contests including The Adeyfield Academy Sports Awards and more. Often our shows and events involve the wider community and give our students the chance to shine beyond the classroom. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT

THE HOUSE SYSTEM Our house system, named after six influential figures: Attenborough, Hawking, Kahlo, Parks, Seacole and Turing offers leadership opportunities such as House Captains with the chance for all students to challenge and compete. Opportunities come through lessons in the form of group and individual presentations as well as representing the school in sporting activities. SCHOLARS’ & THE BRILLIANT CLUB As part of the Gifted and Talented programme and the school-wide Teaching and Learning focus on critical thinking and raising aspirations, the “Scholars” aims to extend student engagement and attainment across subjects and year levels. It provides higher-ability, gifted and talented students with an opportunity to develop their knowledge, interest and capabilities in the subjects of greatest interest. Students can apply to be accepted in any subject of interest. The Brilliant Club identifies students in groups of 14 to study supra-curricular topics designed to stretch and challenge students, ran by Oxford and Cambridge university researchers (PhD Tutors) to give pupils the experience of university style learning and assessment.

OUR ENRICHMENT TRIPS & VISITS We believe that offering students opportunities to extend their curriculum is imperative to developing well-rounded students who can draw from a colourful range of experiences during their time at school. There are numerous opportunities in each Year group from Duke of Edinburgh, local trips to the theatre or a London museum to stretching further afield to, skiing in Italy. These opportunities allow students to develop their cultural capital and make lifelong memories with their peers. We also have a full schedule of external visitors and speakers bringing their expertise direct to our students. MUSIC TUITION There is the opportunity for students to be able to learn a musical instrument from orchestral instruments such as the trumpet and flute, through to guitar, drums and vocals. These lessons are part of a project called ‘Project Play’ run by Hertfordshire Music Service.

SIXTH FORM AT THE ACADEMY We are extremely proud of our Sixth Form and the social and cultural opportunities and experiences we have to offer all learners. Our Sixth Form enables students to successfully complete their education before moving on to their next steps whether that be University, higher level apprenticeship or employment. We have high expectations of all of our Sixth Form students and pride ourselves on having a dynamic Sixth Form where learners achieve highly and contribute to the life of the school and the wider community. Students have access to a range of courses and pathways. We offer both Level 3 A-level and vocational courses as well as a work based learning pathway where students complete a course alongside retaking English and Mathematics GCSE if necessary. This ensures there are courses to suit all students wishing to continue their studies with us. Teaching and Learning in the Sixth Form is engaging, rigorous and stretches our students to achieve their full potential. Students make full use of the Centurion Building which is a dedicated Sixth Form study area and have full access to our Learning Resource Centre to develop their independence and become reflective learners, supported by the guidance of subject teachers and the Sixth Form pastoral team. A structured programme of tutor time activities and progress meetings allows us to monitor all students closely and ensure that every student fulfils their potential. We encourage all Sixth Form students to actively engage in enrichment through our personal development programme. In doing so they develop younger students' literacy skills through our ‘Mentoring for Success’ programme where they tutor and mentor. They also arrange and run events to fundraise and develop excellent leadership skills through our student leadership programme: acting as excellent role models to students in younger years, through consistently displaying our school's core values. Our personal development programme also involves a structured Careers, Advice, Information and Guidance (CAIG) facility supported by Hertfordshire Youth Connexions which assists students preparing for their next steps. The majority of our students progress on to University and we support them in making informed choices regarding their applications. Sixth-form students learn about important personal, social and health issues in an age-related context. They also thrive on the additional autonomy and responsibility offered. ― Ofsted Report 2023

Our students’ personal development journeys extend beyond the academic, vocational and technical to encourage responsible, respectful and active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life as adults. We support our students’ understanding of the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance, to help shape each student’s character; which informs their motivation and guides their conduct so that they reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others. We ensure that students are confident, resilient, and knowledgeable so that they can keep themselves mentally healthy. Alongside this, we ensure students understand how to keep physically healthy, eat healthily and maintain an active lifestyle, including giving ample opportunities for students to be active during the school day and through extra-curricular activities. Students receive age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships through appropriate relationships and sex education. CHARACTER EDUCATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Much work has been done on character development, rightly earning the school external recognition. The fruits of this work can be seen not only in pupils’ behaviour but also in their increasing confidence and articulation when speaking. - Ofsted Report 2023

At The Adeyfield Academy we are dedicated to raising students’ aspirations and supporting young people to achieve their potential without limits. Our careers programme is set out to empower students to plan and manage their own futures. Careers learning prepares our students for opportunities and helps young people to make successful life decisions and transition to adulthood. We work with students, parents, employers, universities and the wider community to develop the qualities, skills and attitudes required for a successful future. All students receive unbiased information about potential next steps and high-quality careers guidance. Students get a sense of real-life experiences when exposed to meaningful encounters with employers further and higher education providers. Students also have the opportunity to participate in work experience and work place visits. This enhances their employability skills and makes them more aware of opportunities after completing secondary school. Our staff support students with completing application forms, practicing interview techniques, CV writing and career planning. CAREERS EDUCATION & GUIDANCE The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. ― Michelangelo

SEND Transition mornings Parent Pitstop Coffee Mornings CATs Tests TRANSITION & SUMMER SCHOOL Dear Year 6 students, I am writing to you to tell my experience about The Adeyfield Academy. Firstly, there is something called being a Five Star Student. You will have to be respectful, have dignity, be compassionate, have courage and have ambition. If you are nervous and have some worries, Adeyfield will give you some reassuring advice but don’t be, because everyone is in the same boat as you. Secondly, if you have no friends some of my honest advice is to join some extra-curricular clubs because then you will meet someone with the same interests as you. Personally, I have met some of my friends at Netball and Rounders club. Don’t be scared of the older pupils and the large school. You will get used to all the routes in the first few weeks. The older pupils are actually very nice. Now I am going to move on to the subjects. If you are struggling in one particular subject, The Adeyfield Academy will help you out by giving you extra resources, classes and help. Some of my favourite subjects are PE, English and Maths. In conclusion, I hope you feel better now that I’ve shared my experiences top tips and rules. Don’t forget, you will do amazing. The Adeyfield Academy has made me feel very welcome and it feels like I have been here forever! Nabila -Year 7 Dear Year 6 students, I am writing this as a Year 7 student and telling you about my Adeyfield experience so far. On my first day I was frightened, anxious, scared, yet excited to enter my next step in life. I walked in through the gate and met some teachers. They seemed quite intimidating, as did everyone else, but I later got to know how kind they are. When I got to my first lesson, I was worried and didn’t know what to expect. It turned out to be the complete opposite to what I expected. The teachers were welcoming and just as excited as I was! I got through the day easily and quickly made friends. If you choose to go to The Adeyfield Academy, I 100% recommend it, it is an amazing experience to take on. The Adeyfield Academy has many opportunities such as extra-curricular activities, a scholars programme and more. I, myself have taken part in the scholars programme, cooking club, music, athletics club and netball. My advice for your time at The Adeyfield Academy is; Be Yourself! Don’t change who you are so that you can fit in, because being like everyone else is boring, and people want to know the real you. Good luck Skye -Year 7 Summer School Leadership induction Meeting Primary Transition Day Term Starts

The Adeyfield Academy (previously known as Adeyfield Secondary School) began its existence in September 1951, in the building of the Maylands Junior School with 99 students, and 6 members of staff, before moving into it’s newly constructed building on our present site a year later. In July, 1953, the school was officially opened by Sir Ronald Gould, the General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers. The original school slogan of ‘Ever Onward’ is evident today, in the translation of the Latin ‘Semper Quaerentes’ which is included in our current school logo, as is the representation of brickworks referencing ‘The Bury’ in Gadebridge Park, which dates back to Roman times in Hemel Hempstead. The previous wheatsheaf element is a nod to the farm which existed on the Adeyfield site prior to the school. A major fire to the school in October 1982, saw devastation to the main school block, causing it to be rebuilt. The phoenix was then added to the then ‘new’ school logo to symbolise it’s rise from the ashes. On becoming The Adeyfield Academy, in 2019, the school rebranded the logo again, this time adding a centurion helmet linking to Roman artefacts discovered in Hemel Hempstead by a local archaeologist and Adeyfield Alumni, Dr David S Neal who led the excavation of a Roman villa in 1963. As part of the Atlas Multi Acadamy Trust, Adeyfield has benefitted from further school developments. A full refurbishment of our Science Labs, and the construction of a new 3G pitch was completed in recent years and in 2023 we celebrated the opening of our new Jubilee building which coincided with our 70th anniversary celebration. PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE 1951 TODAY